
April 14, 2010

HPWREN led an installation to expand the wireless network at Cabrillo National Monument

By Jonathan Huerta and Susan Teel, National Park Service

Living history re-enactors dressed as towns-folk visiting the lighthouse around 1887 (left) and dressed in 16th century period clothing (top).

Wireless radios and an access point at the lighthouse keeper's quarters will enable staff to conduct LIVE living history programs from the lighthouse, assistant keeper's quarters, and surrounding grounds. HPWREN also assisted the National Park Service in piloting the first Living History LIVE program which was broadcast from the Cabrillo visitor center to the San Diego Supercomputer Center booth at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) conference about a month ago. Children and families stopped by the booth to participate in living history role playing by interacting with interpreters in period dress.

New access point installed on the assistant lighthouse keeper's quarters.

Jim Hale (HPWREN), Pablo Bryant (SDSU), and Jonathan Huerta (NPS) mounted a WiFi access point and radio transmitter to the assistant keeper's quarters building, providing a clear line-of-sight to the Coast Guard tower. The goal of the installation was to mount the access point and radio, with minimal impact to the building and its aesthetics.

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